Custom Fibre Optics

starry ceiling panel

Bespoke Soft Play Starlight Panel

This is another great example of not just how versatile our fibre optic starry ceiling panels are but also how closely we work with our clients and the bespoke service involved.

We don’t just have stock sizes with prices on them, we build everything from scratch, order to order, this may take a little while longer but it ensures you have a tailor made product that is a perfect size and shape, fits perfectly within your chosen environment and more importantly, is what you want, not just whats available.

We were approached by an owner who runs the Rising Sun Country Park Centre which is specifically there to benefit children with learning difficulties and is all funded by local charities.

Part of a new extension to the building was to have a new soft play installed, The staff had a great idea of incorporating a sensory room within the soft play area, they designed a tunnel as an entrance to the soft play area which has mirror cladded walls. We agreed that a starry ceiling in the tunnel would work really well and the added effect of the mirrors would also add an interesting feature

starlight panel

A milky way design was suggested since it’s a long and narrow panel it would make good use of the space to have a long line of high-density stars surrounded by low-density to create the banding effect.

The fibre optic ‘stars’ are well out of reach, however, they dont have to be. Since no heat or electricity is at the point of illumination, they’re safe to touch, so this design would be just as suitable on walls too.

There aren’t many environments where we couldn’t design a custom fibre optic starry ceiling panel to fit well. Why don’t you try us? If you have an idea we’d love to here it and help you create it, we love a challenge and its our pleasure to make such a variety of these stunning products.

If you’d like some help and inspiration on how to design something for yourself, dont hesitate to get in touch using the form below, we’re happy to help, answer any questions and supply multiple quotes to find something within your budget.


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