Custom Fibre Optics

starlight headliner

Mercedes Benz C Class

This one was the first project from our new collection and delivery service.
We are now offering to collect headliners, fit our professional star lighting and return it to clients, this works well B2B with others in the auto industry and also for people who are confident in working on their own cars.

Our client got in touch with some pictures of what he’d like. After we agreed on the design and took some details, we explained the process and costs involved and our client wanted to go for 300 stars but first wanted to see how that looked, in case he’d like to add any more, or even take some away.

We agreed to collect the headliner and have it delivered back to the client once complete.

This time the client fancied something a little different, a high density in the middle fading out to a lower density towards the edges, which seems to make the display look 3D and gives it the illusion of depth. He sent in some photos of other examples but with notes of things he’d like to include or avoid. Our client wanted to avoid having any distinctive ‘lines’ made up from having too many stars in a straight line.

 starlight headliner

starlight headliner

Once we arranged the collection and recieved the headliner, we carefully unpacked it and checked for any damage and noted any marks or imperfections. On this particular example we noticed a few very faint dark patches, very uobtrusive but as standard, we always check everything, note it and confirm with client. In this case the client was aware of the marks and clarified he was good to go ahead.

We started off by sketching a design on the back and showed the client photos and videos. After moving a few stars here and there we were both happy to go ahead with the design.


As standard, we hot glue each and every star so that it is securely fixed in place and then also tape them flat and cover them with fabric for extra protection during transit and installation.

We also add mechanical protection to the fibre loom. Which we also leave a few meters of length on, just to be sure there is enough to go down any rear or side pillars into the rear quarter or under seats, where we suggest fitting the light source for easy future maintenance.

Again, once the stars had been threaded and trimmed, we took more photos and videos to get our clients approval before wrapping it back up for delivery. We also demonstrated our twinkle effects at different speeds and also some colour fading options.

The whole process took 48 hours to have it collected, installed and delivered back to our client.

We love creating different designs, so appreciate it when we get a client who suggests something a little different.

Here are is a close up of this headliner, as you can see, using multiple sized stars with a carefully planned composition, you get a real, life like starry sky effect  with depth, almost as if your looking out of a spaceship window into the abyss.


Last but not least… the results. Our client was happy with our design and decided to leave it as it is and have it sent back to him. Here it is in all of its glory showing some beautiful colour transitions and the must-have twinkle effect.

starlight headliner
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