Custom Fibre Optics

BMW i8


We thoroughly enjoyed working on this stunning little hybrid BMW. The Lines and curves on this vehicle are amazing and the interior is gorgeous too.

The i8 already comes with factory fitted blue ambient lighting to go with the blue BMW emblem which is a feature of the hybrid BMW.


bmw i8 starlight headliner

Our client specifically requested some colour changing options. We explained several options available and our client opted for control via her mobile phone.

We hooked up a compatible light source with the vehicle and synced it to her phone with an app which allows the user to control colour selection, brightness and twinkle speed.


This gives our client complete control over the display and gives an endless choice of effects to suit their mood. 

If its dark outside the lights may be dimmed to a comfortable brightness whilst driving. In the daylight when they are less visible they can be made brighter. 


We are always researching and developing our products and services to make sure we are always leading the market in specialist fibre optic lighting displays.

As always with everything we offer, a miimum 12 months  warranty  is provided with continued after sales support and maintenance.

If you would like a quote for your own vehicle simply use the form below to get in touch and we will get back to you with some options and prices.

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